i've been reading a book my mom got me when i was home last called "if" by amy carmichael. it's so incredibly insightful. so incredibly simple. yet so incredibly challenging.
the first section is a series of statements that begin with "if" and end with "then i know nothing of calvary love."
for example: "if i am afraid to speak the truth, lest i lose affection, or lest the one concerned should say, 'you do not understand,' of because i fear to lose my reputation for kindness; if i put my own good name before the other's highest good, then i know nothing of calvary love."
the next section consists of one page essays about loving others. it's so honest and straightforward - a must read.
i keep reading it over and over (it's a small book and one that need not be read in order) and find myself finding new things each time to think about.
anyways, could be a good gift idea if you're still stuck. word play.
twist. word play. retract.